It' fy Nuw a'm Brenhin nefol

It' fy Nuw a'm Brenhin nefol,
  Rhoddaf fi drag'wyddol glôd;
A'm llais a'm tafod
    ac â'm hyspryd
  Tra f'o'm bywyd yma'n bod:
Hyfryd flas dy iachawdwriaeth,
  A'm gwna mor helaeth ac mor hŷ,
I ro'i ma's dy glôd, ar gyhoedd
  Ne's d'od i'r ardaloedd fry.

Mae ehediad holl funudau,
  Hyd fy nyddiau i gyd yn awr,
Yn galw arnaf i glodfori
  Ac i foli f'Arglwydd mawr:
Dadgan mawredd ac anrhydedd
  Werthfawr rinwedd nefol ras;
Nid oes tafod na myfyrdod
  Ddichon osod hwn i ma's.

Derfydd i mi garu ac ofni,
  Dim o'r nefoedd fawr i'r byd,
Pan y caffw'r olwg cyntaf
  Decced yw dy wyneb-pryd;
Gwedd dy wyneb sy'n dwyn bywyd
  Gwedd dy wyned sy'n dwyn hedd,
Gwedd dy wyneb ydyw'r cwbl
  Yma, a thu draw i'r bedd.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8787D]

gwelir: Dyn dyeithr ydwyf yma

To thee my God and my heavenly King,
  I give eternal acclaim;
With my voice and my tongue
    and with my spirit
  While ever my life is here:
The delightful taste of thy salvation,
  Shall make me so generous and so bold,
To set forth thy acclaim, publicly
  Until coming to the regions above.

The flight of all the minutes,
  Along all my days now, are
Calling upon me to extol
  And to praise my great Lord:
To declare the majesty and honour
  Of the precious virtue of heavenly grace;
There is no tongue or meditation
  Able to set this forth.

Loving and fearing finish for me,
  Nothing from great heaven to the world,
When I get the first sight
  So fair is thy countenance;
The aspect of thy face brings life,
  The aspect of thy face brings peace,
The aspect of thy face is the whole
  Here, and beyond the grave.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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